science and art of
A vibrant tale of commitment to color and sustainability, spanning from Los Angeles to the global stage—a captivating narrative that has unfolded since 1923!
Explore an extensive collection of pigments, inks, and related products meticulously designed to meet diverse needs across various applications such as screen printing inks for textiles, Inkjet Inks, heat transfers, color-changing pigments/inks/plastics, and specialized services.
Get your screen printing inks/Pigments & digital inks

The best in ink matching technology at your fingertips! The easiest most reliable way to achieve Pantone® PMS and custom colors consistently & help your business grow!

Halogens-free and formaldehyde-free
Family dedication to color & sustainability, from L.A. to the world... a colorful story since 1923!
A wide range of pigment, ink and ink products for a broad range of applications, including: textile, wallpaper, printing, transfer, and specialty services

Irreversible Temperature Sensitive Color Change Colorant
Thermolock® in a decolored state gradually starts recoloring when the temperature goes lower than the set temperature. It gets full color shade when the temperature reaches lower than its ‘Temperature for Color-Lock’. Once it reaches the Color-Lock temperature, the color stays irreversible as long as the temperature is within the range.
AQ Ink NF Grade
Lavender NF , Lemon NF , Rose NF , Ambrosia NF , Bouquet NF , Soft Floral NF, Elegant Floral NF, Eucalyptus NF, Menthol NF
Digital Screen Inks

Digital Hybrid Printing Inks
Base inks for digital screen printing
DS Hybrid UB Clear
DS Hybrid UB White
DS Hybrid UB Ultra White
DigiAce Pre-Digital Screen White
DigiAce Digital Screen Clear
DS Hybrid Top Coat


Plant Based Sustainable Inks
Biomass Stretch Clear and Biomass Stretch White are water-based PU or Acrylic-based printing pastes crafted from plant-derived materials, aligning with the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a more sustainable world.
We are
Matsui International
97 years of dedication
Japanese Innovation
In Japanese culture, the pursuit of discovering improved methods isn’t merely a discipline; it is ingrained as a way of life.
Tradition of Balance
We welcome and actively seek a life in sync with the world we live in, a philosophy that resonates through the products we create.
Passion for Presicion
Our ingrained commitment to excellence drives us to naturally pursue quality and performance, providing our clients with a reassuring sense of peace of mind.
Producing inks that keep the color & the future of the planet bright for over 97 years!
It was 1923, when Kenji Matsui started a paint business in Kyoto, Japan. In those early days, we started out by trading dyes, and after that making crayons and painting materials. By the 1950’s, we transitioned into the production of pigments and resins for printing. The crayons and paint materials we started out with, dyed into our new focus on textile printing.